These days I find myself always thinking and asking 'Where has the time gone?'. The last 4-5 months have been so busy and hectic with life matters, church activities, a dissertation, and minor to major deadlines that have had to be met. So far 2012 has been one big blur. I have not had the time to process recent events, which I guess is where good ol' blogging comes in useful. :P
Work in progress
I'm currently working on four final major projects. One of them is one of the YCN student awards, live creative briefs. The brief is to promote the currently unknown soft drinks company 'Feel Good Drinks Co', and their brand of drinks.
Their tone of voice is friendly, cheerful and cheeky (wanting to put a smile on peoples faces); aimed at a young market, 16-35 year olds. My approach for this project is to steer away from the cutesy innocent drinks style and tone of voice (excluding the smiling sample cups below) because its been over done and I have chosen to focus on students and young professionals as my main market. So at uni I conducted an interactive survey, in which I got students to have a sample of the drink and then draw or write in response to my research question 'what makes you smile?'.
Here are some of the results that I have now plastered on one of my walls for easier analysis and viewing...
Overall I can conclude that students are pretty much a social bunch, who love free stuff, being with their friends and other happy people.
What makes you smile? :)
What makes you smile? :)